FEICIARTE is one type of Science fair
that the students show what they learned to their parents. In this edition we
did about the world cup countries. Each class was one countrie ,and we did not have Nigeria and Germany.
My class (the 5th grade) did about Chile.
We studied sports, wineries , the animal guanaco, the flag ,the andines
mountains that goes along all Chile´s coast, volcanoes, economy, the artsam of
Chile, and the culinary.
My class worked on an winery model ,volcan replica (puyehue), painted the andines
mountains, make some posters, and painted the glasses writing
´´CHILE!``.Westaid one week doing it and everyone helped!
On the day, I was a little bit worried ,but I presented
like I wasen´t worried about nothing. To the culinary, we did Chilean hot dog,
Leche Nevada(a variety of the, de leite).Sometimes I forgot to present
something like the artsam or economy, but the rest was ok.
Some persons they started asking questions we didn’t
know about.I disliked this because is our job to answer, and if we don’t know
we can´t answer. But the good thing was that we learned things we didn’t know before.
I realy liked because some classes were realy
good,they looked like that place, whit many information, culture, tipic food .I
love to travel and my final conclusion is that we did a world tour . CHI-CHI-CHI-LE-LE-LE!!!! CHILE!!!!!!!! Cecilia

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