quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2014


Thanksgiving Day is a cultural celebration asa day of  giving thanks for the harvest and of the preceding year. 

It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada. But in modern times it is a moment for reflection and sharing good food with those we love.  It is traditional to give thanks aloud for the good things that happened to you in the past year

5th Grade is thankful for...

"... my family, my friends and my bike." - Guilherme
"... everything that has happened in my life" - Ceci.
"... my life and everything I have." - Bia R.
"... my everything that my family, dogs friends and teacher have done for me." - Ísis
"... my life!" - Pedrinho
"... for being a champion, having a great family, being a good son and for been born." - Nick

"... my lovely students!" - Mrs. Roberta Mesquita

quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2014

The Feiciarte


In my class the ferciarte was on the time

 everything was very good
Thank God. we prepeard
a volcano, the replica of Manuel
Dias very famous snowboarder,
The Chilean hot dog and the big pool of the Earth.



The world the biggest pool has 115m depth and 1 km.
The volcano erupted in 2011 and got in the way of aircrafts from Chile,Argentina and Brasil
The name of the volcano is Puyehue.The Manuel Dias he is very very good on snowboard.


 A gastronomy of Chile combines flavors from all over the world.


Guilherme Sasso

terça-feira, 25 de novembro de 2014


Elipse: FEICIARTE                                       

The  FEICIARTE  is one type of Science fair that the students show what they learned to their parents. In this edition we did about the world cup countries. Each class was one countrie  ,and we did not have Nigeria and Germany.

My class (the 5th grade) did about Chile. We studied sports, wineries , the animal guanaco, the flag ,the andines mountains that goes along all Chile´s coast, volcanoes, economy, the artsam of Chile, and the culinary. 

My class worked on an winery model ,volcan  replica (puyehue), painted the andines mountains, make some posters, and painted the glasses writing ´´CHILE!``.Westaid one week doing it and everyone helped!

On the day, I was a little bit worried ,but I presented like I wasen´t worried about nothing. To the culinary, we did Chilean hot dog, Leche Nevada(a variety of the, de leite).Sometimes I forgot to present something like the artsam or economy, but the rest was ok.

Some persons they started asking questions we didn’t know about.I disliked this because is our job to answer, and if we don’t know we can´t answer. But the good thing was that we learned things we didn’t  know before.

I realy liked because some classes were realy good,they looked like that place, whit many information, culture, tipic food .I love to travel and my final conclusion is that we did a world tour .                  CHI-CHI-CHI-LE-LE-LE!!!! CHILE!!!!!!!! Cecilia

Descrição: C:\Users\aluno\Desktop\t6yu.jpg Descrição: C:\Users\aluno\Desktop\imgres.jpgDescrição: C:\Users\aluno\Desktop\mapa do chile 11.jpgDescrição: C:\Users\aluno\Desktop\Chile-Flag.jpg


Elipse: FEICIARTE                                       

The  FEICIARTE  is one type of Science fair that the students show what they learned to their parents. In this edition we did about the world cup countries. Each class was one countrie  ,and we did not have Nigeria and Germany.

My class (the 5th grade) did about Chile. We studied sports, wineries , the animal guanaco, the flag ,the andines mountains that goes along all Chile´s coast, volcanoes, economy, the artsam of Chile, and the culinary. 

My class worked on an winery model ,volcan  replica (puyehue), painted the andines mountains, make some posters, and painted the glasses writing ´´CHILE!``.Westaid one week doing it and everyone helped!

On the day, I was a little bit worried ,but I presented like I wasen´t worried about nothing. To the culinary, we did Chilean hot dog, Leche Nevada(a variety of the, de leite).Sometimes I forgot to present something like the artsam or economy, but the rest was ok.

Some persons they started asking questions we didn’t know about.I disliked this because is our job to answer, and if we don’t know we can´t answer. But the good thing was that we learned things we didn’t  know before.

I realy liked because some classes were realy good,they looked like that place, whit many information, culture, tipic food .I love to travel and my final conclusion is that we did a world tour .                  CHI-CHI-CHI-LE-LE-LE!!!! CHILE!!!!!!!! Cecilia

Descrição: C:\Users\aluno\Desktop\t6yu.jpg Descrição: C:\Users\aluno\Desktop\imgres.jpgDescrição: C:\Users\aluno\Desktop\mapa do chile 11.jpgDescrição: C:\Users\aluno\Desktop\Chile-Flag.jpg


          Last week we, 5th grade, worked in FEICIARTE. My class did Chile. We did drawings, paintings and research. In Global we did a model of a Wineyard and we painted a mural.

Volcanoe Puyehue  Andes Mountain
            One day before Feiciarte we were so ancious! We had finished everything and the class was prepared. When it was time to go home the class was perfect!
              The Volcanoe was finished and prepared to make smoke. The windows were painted CHILE in the colors red, blue and white. Manuel Diaz (chilean snowboarder) was right in his place. The model was finished. The pannel was tottaly painted. The food had been prepared.
               In my opinion, our class was the best, because we knew how to explain everything and we did amazing things. I loved our class! Chi Chi Chi! Le Le Le!
Viva Chile!!

                Day 22, the day of Feiciarte. When I came to class for Feiciarte was time for music presentation. We song ´´País do Futebol`` and we played drums.
                      After music presentation I came to class for presentation for visiting people. When was second group time, my group, I was alone with my morning teacher and other student, Misses Robs didn´t came because she was in a commitment.
               Even so, I could present for many viewers and have fun. This day was very, very, very, very good and I likle it very much!

Ísis de Farias Madeira
5th grade
Teacher Mrs Roberta Mesquita




            My school had the Feiciarte last week. My class did Chile. We talked about the clothing,flag,tourism,wineyard,the animal called Guanaco,sports,gastronomy and economy.On the wineyard we used many things like blue paint,green paint,wood,carboard,hot glue,paper,color pencil.

     We did posters of many topics.We painted our windows writing Chile with blue,white and red.I did a model with a wine bottle and and 4 glasses. To paint I used just red and black.

     On the volcano,that my classmate made,he used wood,jornal,paint and spray.On the day we put a smoke machine under the volcano. We painted the Andes Mountains that took all the width of the class,it kept very nice!!

      My favorite class was 6th grade that did about France. They basied at Little Prince to do their class.They put with and blue balloons on the ceiling.Joana danced france music in which she used black clothes.

      I liked 4th grade too!They did England and they did quotes from Shakspeare.I helped  they when we did not have class.

      I liked Suiça too!They served chocolate and cheese,it was very good!I helped them when we did not have class too.They were very creative.

  The biggest pool of the world

Chile´s flag

 Volcano of Puyehue

 Chile´s map

 A chilean wineyard

By Beatriz R.


segunda-feira, 24 de novembro de 2014


Saturday November 22nd was our FEICIARTE, or Mostra Cultural.

It was an amazing event that envolved a lot of planning, preparation and creation.  The 4th grade class worked hard and their effords really showed.

The FEICIARTE´s themes was countries and the 5th grade had Chile, so we worked with a replica of Wine Yard  It was truely amazing and it actully chimed through the morning!

We also made a snowboarder out of newspaper called Manuel Diaz!

It was hard work and we are really proud of it!

Old Town Meeting...

In our journey through time in Social Studies we have come across the Atlantic Ocean and landed in America, we have settled and now are creating societies.

To portray what we are learning, we put a play together about the first Town Meetings in the Thirteen Colonies.  It was a great success and we presented it to all the other Global classes!

Children´s Week...

Children´s week was a blast in Global.  We have fun all week long.  

We started with a hose shower, the day was hot and sunny, so it was refreshing to get out of the classroom and have a cool break.

We had a special picnic snack eveyday including hot dogs, hamburguers, popcorn and soda. 

During the week we had two Global Teachers´ birthdays, Mrs. Flans Padley and Miss Mariana Barleta, so we put on a surprise party for them!  They were olblivious to it and even cried when we sang happy birthday to them.

But the highlight of the week was the big inflatable slide.  WE ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! We had so much fun sliding and coming up with different jump competitions that we didn´t want to do anything else!