terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2014

An Electrical Class

In Science, we have been learning about Electricity and its properties.  We experimented with Static Electricity; the kids brought many things to class for us to prove its existence.  It was a lot of fun.

Then we moved on to learning about Electric Currents. To enhance our learning experience we worked on a play using Benjamin Franklin´s lightening experiment.  The kids had a wonderful time preparing the play and it turned out to be so great that we invited the Pre-k Class to be our audience.

When we finished discussing, reading and working hard to learn about the things that we take for granted but are a great part of our everyday life, it was time to see our knowledge applied, so we set ourselves some time to learn and have fun while watching a movie relating to the topic of our studies.  We chose Back To The Future because of the way Doc and Martin capture the lightning to send the energy into the flux capacitor and send Martin back to 1985.

It was a wonderful afternoon with many delicious treats, drinks and lots of popcorn!

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