quarta-feira, 23 de julho de 2014


Dear Kids and Parents,

I hope you are ready for a new semester to come, and it will be a great one!  We will be working hard but never forgetting to enjoy the ride and have fun!
We started with a new class contract as things change and kids grow and develop new needs.  This semester we expect to:
4th and 5th Grade Class Contract
Always Use English
No running
Be on time after lunch and recess
Keep your shoes on at all times
Respect others
Use indoor voice
Raise your hand before you speak

Then, we had a quick review of our travels in Social Studies, the energies we have discovered in Science, the lengths we have measured in Math and the stories we created in E.L.A.
Now we will start moving forward!!
4th Grade Second Semester
ELABook we will use - Reading Horizons and Reading Treasures:
Taking notes, writing paragraphs, response journals, choosing what is important, using exact verbs, varying sentence types, process writing, using correct punctuation.
Listening/speaking: ENGLISH ONLY PROJECT: It´s a project that the kids created themselves to promote the use of English as a spoken language.  There is a chart in our classroom and every day they get two symbols in front of their names, one for behavior and one for language. In the end of the term, the percentage of the symbols will be converted into part of their E.L.A. grade and their behavior grade will be a bonus across their grade board.
Math: Book we will use - Everyday Math Volume 2:
• Numbers all around
• Tools and mathematics
• Extension of addition and subtraction facts
• Games from Working together (strategies in determination, teamwork, and planning)
• Math word problems concerning: measurements, extended addition and subtraction strategies
• logical sequence patterns game
• Interdisciplinary problem situations (estimate, hypothesis, logical problems, etc...)
Science: Book we will use – Energy and Motion and Energy and Change
Understand the different forces as well as the appropriate scientific vocabulary.  Chart and diagram reading and creating. Designing experiments to prove a theory.
Social Studies: Book we will use – American History:
Understand why the different times of the colonization why relevant to today´s world.  Learn map, graph, and study skills, as well as skills for like.

We will continue to share all our hard work with you!  You can follow us through our blog:         http://cool5thgrade.blogspot.com.br/
In addition for the parents, you can follow your child´s grades and assisgnments through our Schoology account, and for that you can access https://www.schoology.com/, create your account as a parent and use the following access code: CHVGH-RD483
Please encourage your child to use the family´s computer, Tablet or similar at home.  In addition, if they do own a portable device they shall be asked to bring them to school on occasion. I ask you to check your child´s agenda on a daily basis to check for your child´s development updates and special requests.
I am looking forward to spending this year as a part of your family and please feel free to come to me with any questions, concerns or comments! You can easily reach me at roberta.mesquita@sebglobal.com.
Warm regards,

Mrs. Roberta

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