segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014

The 5th grade class

    Monday: The 5th graders had a cooking class! Yes, we, the 5th grade,made many delicious cookies! It was very good and we had a lot of fun making them.

    Thuesday: Mrs. Robs taught us how to make a paragraph structure by academic writing standards. It was difficult, but we are so smart and everyone gave their best! Now we know how to make a good paragraph.

    Wednesday: We had a field observation. We wrote a paragragh and a list of 10 living things. It was fun!
     Thursday: We made groups and had  Math, Science and Language Arts activities to answer with the group.
     Friday: We had a game class. It was like this: we made groups and work together to have the correct answer of the play. It was very cool!

Posted by Isis

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