terça-feira, 16 de setembro de 2014

Joka Pedro was Captured
         Joka Pedro was half human half fish. He was living in a river during all his life because of his differences. Zezinho, his only one friend, and he wouldn´t know this Joka´s secret, one day decided to fish:
-         One boot, one sock, other sock, one plant, one Joka Pedro, one… Wait!!!! Joka Pedro, what are you doing here at the river? – said Zezinho.
-         Please Zezinho don´t say to anyone that i´m here and…
-         But how did survived at the river?
-         Wait I´m going to explain. I am half human half fish, oh no!!!
A forestall scientist appeared there and Joka Pedro swim away from there.
After one hour he was on ocean, but the forestall scientist, Roll, captured him and take him to a laboratory.
          Joka Pedro was in a big aquarium when he knew Sabrina, half human half dolphin.
She was so cool and they get friends very fast. They were in a cage under the water.
Joka Pedro and Sabrina were thinking how to escape from the laboratory because Roll was so bad and he wanted to discovery how possible persons were half human half animal.
                So they created a plan to scape. They used metal and water from the aquarium and chocolate from their food, this was the plan:
But water in the floor to Roll slipped, trip in   the metal, fall in the chocolate and hallucinated.
                Was exactly like this that happened. Roll thought that one lovely girl, Mia, loved him. He was so happy and because of this he let Joka Pedro and Sabrina go out of there.
                Joka Pedro take Sabrina with him to live with Zezinho, Roll lived like a good biologist with Mia and everyone take own street.
The End
Ísis Madeira, 5th grade
Pedro Judice₢₢₢₢₢₢§§§§§§°°°, 5th grade
João Paulo Savala, 4th grade

The big adventure

One day a man that lived with his mom in Hawaii. He wanted to know where was his father…
One morning he went surfing. The floor started to shake it was a...VOLCANO!! He started flying and flying and flying until he fell...
When he woke up he was on top of a shark!! Then he tried to run and run but he was on the water so the shark almost ate his head. When he stopped running he noticed he was lost.
Time went by and he found a men, he looked well at him. Then he noticed that it was his dad!!
They celebrated a lot!!Afterwards they went to his mother’s house happily ever after.

The big adventure:
One day,a man that lived with his mother in Hawaii. He wanted to know to where was his father...
One morning , he went surfing. The floor started to shake,it was a... VOLCANO!!!! He started flying and flying and flying until he fell...

When he woke up he was on top of a shark!! Then he tried to run and run but he was at the water, so the shark almost ate his head. When he stopped running he noticed he was lost.
Time went by and he found a man, he looked well at him. Then he noticed that it was his dad!!
They celebrated a lot!! Them they went home very happy!!

The End!!!

quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2014

5th grade and 9/11

Our class did a wonderful job with this topic.  They got into the subject, our discussion was lively and they were very interested. We watched videos, pictures, read a lot and ever had a research at home.  So far, it was 5th grade´s best production of the year and I am really proud of them.

If you have a chance, stop by our class and visit our Memorial Wall, if not, here is a little glimpse:

Some of them were very creative making booklets.
We also talked about bravery and restarting.  So we research the new WTC!  They were all very excited and wanting to go and visit!

An overall view!